Patient Forms

Patient Forms

Patient Forms

All paperwork is to be completed 48 hours prior to your scheduled appointment
Your information will be sent directly to the office of Southpark Psychology and the Provider will be given your paperwork at the time of your appointment. 

Please note all of our Providers are in private practice.  They do not share any paperwork.
If you are seeing a different or "New" Provider all paperwork must be completed for that Provider

Adult Therapy- complete if you are seeing a therapist

Pretty kids

Child / Adolescent

Happy people

Miscellaneous forms

If you use these forms they must be printed signed and returned via mail, fax or email. Our contact information is below
Additional intake paperwork for RETURNING patients who are seeing the SAME Provider as in the past
  • Adult Re-Evaluation    This link is to be used if you are a returning adult patient who is seeing the same provider as previous and have not been seen for 6-9 months. If it has been over 9 months since you have seen the provider please complete the New adult therapy paperwork.
  • Child Re-Evaluation  this link is to be used if the patient is a returning child/ adolescent who is seeing the same Provider as previous and has not been seen for 6-9 months. If it has been over 9 months please complete the New child/adolescent therapy paperwork.
Group of people
Disclaimer: Information contained in this site or linked sites is intended to be educational in nature and a tool for further exploration. It is not meant to be a substitute for psychological, legal or other professional advice.


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